The unique OptiFer® products have many interesting aspects. Uptake is very high and tolerance extremely good. They are easy to administer and use. OptiFer® will not lose efficiency or tolerance in use over longer time.
Iron carries oxygen to all cells in the body and takes part in many processes in the body. It cannot be replaced by anything else. All iron comes from the diet and when not sufficiently present, levels will drop. Deficiency affects the quality of life and must be treated.
Non-heme iron must disintegrate before any uptake is possible. Not-absorbed, reactive free iron ions remain in the stomach and give side-effects.
Heme iron is absorbed easily as a whole unit.
Women who menstruate for three days or more almost always need an iron supplement to compensate for blood loss. Heavy menstruation and childbirth are significant sources of blood loss for women of childbearing age.
The only exception to this is sudden large overdoses of iron. This can happen for instance when children believe iron tablets to be candy. This is very dangerous and the reason they should be kept out of reach.
Proton-pump inhibitors are a group of drugs whose main action is a reduction of gastric acid production. Usage is very common. This often results in iron deficiency, which untreated will lead to potentially lethal anemia.
Many people suffer from excessive loss of hair and this can be very traumatizing. However, this is quite common and many times it has to do with low iron values.
Heme-bound iron in treatment of pregnancy-associated iron deficiency anemia.
OptiFer® means among other things: Reliable therapy, minimal side-effects, no failed therapies, efficiency and tolerance over time, and easiest possible dosage.
An ordinary Hb-test says nothing about stored iron. The iron stores of the body are measurable with a so-called serum ferritin count. This is also a standard test. When serum ferritin lies above 30 ug/l the iron stores are full.
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“If iron deficiency anemia is left untreated, it can make you more susceptible to illness and infection, as a lack of iron affects the body's natural defence system (the immune system).”
Cadmium is stored mainly in the skeleton and once there replaces and blocks much-needed calcium uptake in the bone structure leading to osteoporosis. Therefore the risk for osteoporosis is considerable for those who have low iron counts.
Iron balance is about what’s coming in and what is lost normally by the body. Women who menstruate for three days or more almost always need a supplement of iron to compensate for the blood loss.
The so-called neural tube evolution is hampered by a lack of folic acid in the mother. The risk of birth defect is then high. If the baby is born with spinal defect it will be crippled for life.
Why are low iron levels so common? What affects the uptake? What if I miss a dose? And many more..
Sometimes there is a need for supplementation. You need a reliable and efficient, but mild type of supplementation that is easy to use.
There is a large number of chronics in various diseases with anemia. These are for instance Chronic kidney disease, Inflammatory bowel disease or Coronary heart disease patients and many others.
Nutritionist Dr. Mike Nelson: "Based on tests we think that the IQ difference between anemic and non-anemic British girls can mean differences of up to one whole grade in school exams".
The fetus is relatively protected from the effects of iron deficiency by upregulation of placental iron transport proteins but it increases the risk of iron deficiency in the first three months of life..
Iron deficiency clearly has effects on cancer. On the other hand, too much iron will also affect the organism negatively.
Today MediTec's OptiFer® supplements are based on proprietary all-natural pure heme iron, which indeed is the best-tolerated and most efficient form.
The OptiFer® series of iron supplements are authorized for sale in the EU. They also have Halal certification and acceptance by the American FDA. The production is fully scalable and can easily adapt to changes in for instance national legislature for recommended daily allowance or package text modifications.
Restoring iron values takes a while, just like the onset and development of iron deficiency doesn't happen overnight..
Deficiency must be treated. Otherwise it will affect the quality of life. But how do I choose a remedy? There are so many..
If low iron values are present, a slow and steady therapy is best for the organism. The dose of OptiFer® is 18 mgs per day and will effectively correct low iron values.
Natural bovine hemoglobin is not only well-tolerated and and an efficient source of iron. It means also a wealth of micronutrients that together make the formation of our blood naturally more efficient.
In clinical studies the side-effects of heme iron is at placebo level and efficacy is good. No therapies with heme iron are abandoned.
World Bank studies show that productivity losses due to various types of malnutrition in low-income Asian countries constitute about two to three percent of the GNP.
Abdelazim I, Abu-Faza M, Shikanova S,
Zhurabekova G, Maghrabi MM.
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