
This is the site for the OptiFer® natural heme iron supplements.

They are the most efficient and best tolerated there is.

Please find out what you need to know here.


The OptiFer® heme iron supplements are demonstrably the best tolerated and most efficient form of oral iron supplementation.  The natural raw material is developed by and proprietary to MediTec.

Heme iron

Iron bound to hemoglobin as in meat courses is and has historically always been our main source for iron.

Today we can find it naturally in a supplement, OptiFer®

A brief history.

As in every country, in Sweden major industry is handling meat products to the food industry and ultimately to the consumers. Since the 1960'ies technologies have been developed to efficiently and hygienically collect and treat bovine hemoglobin in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Heme iron uptake is very efficient.

Heme iron is absorbed easily as a whole unit without disintegrating as non-heme iron must before uptake. The resulting free iron ions are the cause of the well-known stomach side-effects of non-heme iron.

How to trust an iron supplement.

See what science, medicine and the consumers are saying. No serious side effects or poisonings reported in Scandinavia of heme iron supplements after more than 20 years and literally millions of users.

The OptiFer® Metaverse.

Visit the Metaverse and please leave your feedback at mmfc@meditec.se or michael.collan@hotmail.com

OptiFer® has been around for a while

Several published medical studies show that the ease-of-use, efficacy and tolerability of the OptiFer® heme iron supplements is superior to the non-heme iron found in the regular supplements.

Published study evidence

What do we really know about heme iron?

What the doctors are saying

Blood donation

Anemia in pregnancy

Mother’s iron status is important

The OptiFer® YouTube channel

Iron deficiency

According to WHO iron deficiency is worldwide the most pressing problem concerning nutrition. It affects a large number of growing youth as well as adults and is very costly especially for developing nations.

End users of OptiFer®

Amazon Customer Experience (CX) Health: Excellent.

Amazon customers, the actual users, like OptiFer®. Only positive feedback recorded since introduction.

What the consumer needs

Untreated deficiency will affect the quality of life in a very negative way. Dosage instructions can be tricky.. Certain amounts at certain times are required.. Certain foods or drinks are not allowed.. Not so with OptiFer®

Many utilities for OptiFer®

Chronics and patients with various diseases need a gentle and well-functioning iron supplement.

Here are some examples:

Chronic iron deficiency

Stomach Surgery

Maternal iron deficiency

Blood donation

Chronic Kidney Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Material for you.

Medical, technical and commercial information is made for use. The OptiFer® videos also exist in other languages and all are editable. Find them at our YouTube-channel. Please contact us at info@meditec.se

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How to find us:


www.optifer.international      www.hemeiron.com

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